Back Story, Ep. 23 – Exploring Higher Consciousness & True Purpose

A Discussion with Jim Self of Mastering Alchemy

Jim Self, the founder of, is a prominent figure in the realm of spiritual development and energy mastery. His website serves as a platform where he shares practical tools and guidance to help individuals navigate life's challenges, navigate transitions, and align themselves with a higher consciousness. This alignment, in turn, facilitates the attainment of inner clarity and a deeper sense of self.

In a collaborative effort, Jim and Steve have been working together to produce Project Park Bench. Steve, channeling insights from a collective consciousness known as "The Group," and Jim, drawing guidance from the Metatron, engage in a dialogue to explore our current state of being and discern our true purpose in this moment. Their combined perspectives offer a unique and profound exploration of the human condition.

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To learn more about Steve Rother and The Group, visit

To learn more about Jim Self and Mastering Alchemy, visit

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